About Us

Board of Directors & Senior Management

Executive Directors

  • Ms. Zhou Yaxian Chairman of the Board and President of our Company
  • Mr. Ru Xiquan Vice President and Executive Director
Ms. Zhou Yaxian Chairman of the Board and President of our Company

Aged 64, Ms. Zhou is a founder of the Group and a director of all the subsidiaries of the Company. She is primarily responsible for the Group’s overall strategic planning, technology and business management. Ms. Zhou has nearly 44 years of experience in the collagen sausage casing industry. Before founding the Group, she had been involved in the trial production of collagen sausage casings in the Meat Products Factory of Wuzhou Food Products Corporation (梧州市食品總公司肉類製品廠) from 1979 to 1989 and was employed by Wuzhou Protein Casing Factory (梧州市蛋白腸衣廠) (“Wuzhou Protein Factory“) in 1989, mainly responsible for technology development. She was appointed as the head of Wuzhou Protein Factory and the Deputy General Manager of Guangxi Wuzhou Zhongheng Group Co., Ltd. (廣西梧州中恒集團股份有限公司) in 1992 and 1997, respectively. Since 2004, Ms. Zhou has been the chairman of the board of directors and the general manager of Guangxi Shenguan Collagen Biological Group Company Limited (廣西神冠膠原生物集團有限公司) (“Shenguan Collagen“) (formerly known as Wuzhou Shenguan Protein Casing Co., Ltd. (梧州神冠蛋白腸衣有限公司)). Ms. Zhou retired as the general manager of Shenguan Collagen on 1 January 2024. Ms. Zhou is also the mother of Mr. Sha Junqi, an executive Director.

Ms. Zhou completed the course of Economic Management held by The Central Party School (中共中央黨校) in December 2001. She is one of the inventors of four national patents in respect of production method and facilities for collagen sausage casings and has received special allowances granted by the State Council since 2008. Ms. Zhou was awarded the “The Third Class Prize in National Science and Technology Advancement Award“ (國家科學技術進步三等獎) by the National Science and Technology Committee of the PRC (中華人民共和國國家科學技術委員會) in 1995, the “Guangxi Outstanding Expert“ (廣西優秀專家) by the Wuzhou Government in 2006, the “Influential Person in China Meat Industry“ (中國肉類行業影響力人物) by the China Meat Association (中國肉類協會) in 2007, the “2007 Guangxi Outstanding Entrepreneur“ (2007年度廣西優秀企業家) jointly by the Guangxi Enterprises Union (廣西企業聯合會) and the Guangxi Entrepreneurs Association (廣西企業家協會) in 2008, the “China Outstanding Female Entrepreneur“ (中國傑出創業女性) by the China Female Entrepreneurs Association (中國女企業家協會) in 2008, the “Binshan Cup Technological Innovative Figure in China Meat Industry“ (冰山杯-中國肉類產業科技創新人物) in 2009, the “Technological Leaders in China Meat Industry“ (中國肉類產業科技領軍人物) by the China Meat Association (中國肉類協會) in 2012, and the “Influential Entrepreneur of China Meat Product Industry“ (中國肉類食品行業影響力企業家) by the China Meat Association (中國肉類協會) in 2013. She was appointed as a Director on 24 February 2009 and redesignated as an executive Director, and appointed as the Chairman of the Board on 19 September 2009.

Ms. Zhou is also a director of Shenguan Biology Science & Technology Investment Company Limited (“Hong Kong Shenguan“), Glories Site Limited (“Glories Site“), Xian Sheng Limited (“Xian Sheng“) and Rich Top Future Limited (“Rich Top Future“), all are companies having an interest in the shares of the Company.

Mr. Ru Xiquan Vice President and Executive Director

Aged 61, Mr. Ru is primarily responsible for matters relating to the Group’s accounting, treasury and financial planning. He has nearly 33 years of experience in the collagen sausage casing industry. Mr. Ru graduated from Guangxi Central Radio and TV University (廣西廣播電視大學) and attained the Professional Qualification Graduation Certificate in Finance and Accounting in July 1989. He obtained the certificate of accounting professional issued by the Wuzhou Finance Bureau in November 2001. He also completed the course of Economic Management held by The Central Party School (中共中央黨校) in 2002. Mr. Ru is an accountant and joined Wuzhou Protein Factory as the Head of the Finance and Accounting Department in 1990. He has been the Chief Accountant of Shenguan Collagen since 2004, responsible for matters relating to accounting and finance. He was appointed as a Director on 19 September 2009.

  • Mr. Mo Yunxi Vice President and Executive Director
  • Mr. Sha Junqi Vice President and Executive Director
Mr. Mo Yunxi Vice President and Executive Director

Aged 55, Mr. Mo is primarily responsible for the Group’s production and corporate management. He has long been engaged in product development and has nearly 31 years of experience in the collagen sausage casing industry. Mr. Mo graduated from Tianjin College of Commerce (天津商學院), majoring in Food Engineering in July 1990. Mr. Mo joined Wuzhou Protein Factory in 1993 and he has been the Deputy General Manager of Shenguan Collagen since 2004. Mr. Mo is a senior engineer in food engineering. He was awarded the “First Prize in Wuzhou Science and Technology Advancement“ (梧州市科學技術進步一等獎) and the “First Prize in Guangxi Outstanding Achievement on New Products“ (廣西新產品優秀成果一等獎) by the Wuzhou Government and The People’s Government of Guangxi, respectively, in 2008. He was appointed as a Director on 16 May 2012.

Mr. Sha Junqi Vice President and Executive Director

Aged 37, Mr. Sha is the son of Ms. Zhou Yaxian, our executive director and one of the controlling shareholders of the Company. Mr. Sha obtained a master of science (Technopreneurship and Innovation) from Nanyang Technological University, Republic of Singapore on 1 July 2015. Mr. Sha has been the chief director of 廣州神冠商貿有限公司, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company since April 2016 and the chief director of Ferguson (Wuhan) Biotech Co., Ltd (福格森(武漢)生物科技股份有限公司), an associate of the Company since December 2017. Mr. Sha has been promoted as the vice president of the Company with effect from 6 December 2021. Mr. Sha was also appointed as the President of Shenguan Collegen with effect from 1 January 2024. Mr. Sha is mainly responsible for the overall operation especially the sales department of Shenguan Collagen and is also assisting Ms. Zhou Yaxian, the chairman of the Company, in the daily management of the operation of the Group and responsible for the planning and marketing of three new products, namely, collagen food, collagen skincare products and collagen medical devices, and the construction and management of the Group’s information system. He was appointed as a Director on 31 May 2023.

  • Mr. Li Chenglin Vice President of Shenguan Collagen and Executive Director
Mr. Li Chenglin Vice President of Shenguan Collagen and Executive Director

Mr. Li, aged 52, obtained a certificate for professional qualifications in documents and archives (文書檔案) from Guangxi University in July 1991. In June 2005, Mr. Li obtained a bachelor degree of business and administration from the cooperation school (合作學校) of Central Radio and Television University and Dongbei University of Finance and Economics. Mr. Li obtained the Qualification Certificate of Intermediate level of Speciality and Technology and the qualification of senior economist in business management and economics in November 1997 and December 2013 in the PRC, respectively.

Mr. Li has more than 14 years of experience in the collagen sausage casing industry. Mr. Li joined Wuzhou Pine Resin Factory (梧州松脂廠) in 1991 and served as the deputy officer of the factory manager’s office since 1994. From 2000 to 2008, served as Secretary of the Board of Directors of Guangxi Wuzhou Pine Resin Co., Ltd (廣西梧州松脂股份有限公司). Mr. Li joined the Group on September 1, 2009 as the head of the securities legal department and was appointed as the assistant to the general manager of Wuzhou Shenguan Protein Casing Co., Ltd. 梧州神冠蛋白腸衣有限公司 in 2015. Since 2020, he has been the Vice President of Shenguan Collagen. Mr. Li is mainly responsible for the Group’s corporate management, statistics and legal matters. Mr. Li is currently acting as a director of a subsidiary of the Company and as supervisors of some of the subsidiaries of the Company. He was appointed as a Director on 31 May 2023.

Non-Executive Director

  • Dato’ Sri Low Jee Keong
Dato’ Sri Low Jee Keong

Aged 58, Dato’ Sri Low’s Chinese name 劉子強 is an unofficial name. Dato’ Sri Low has nearly 31 years of experience in the collagen sausage casing industry. Before founding the Group, Dato’ Sri Low, through Exceltech Food Trading SDN. BHD. (formerly known as Exceltech Enterprise), started his business relationship with Wuzhou Protein Factory for the resale of edible collagen sausage casing products in Malaysia in 1993, and has maintained the relationship with Shenguan Collagen after the acquisition of the entire ownership rights of Wuzhou Protein Factory by Shenguan Collagen in November 2004. Dato’ Sri Low is a founder of the Group and has been a director of Shenguan Collagen since 2004. Dato’ Sri Low has not been involved in the Group’s day-to-day operations as he resides in Malaysia. However, he has participated, and will continue to participate, in the strategic planning and decision-making processes in the Group’s business operations. Dato’ Sri Low was awarded a Datukship by Pahang State Government of Malaysia on 24 October 2012. He was appointed as a Director on 19 September 2009. Dato’ Sri Low is a director of Wealthy Safe Management Limited and Brighter Lane Limited, both of which has an interest in the share of the Company.

Independent Non-Executive Director

  • Mr. Tsui Yung Kwok
  • Mr. Meng Qinguo
  • Mr. Zhou Xiaoxiong
Mr. Tsui Yung Kwok

Aged 55, Mr. Tsui was awarded a bachelor’s degree in Business (Accounting) by Curtin University of Technology, Australia in August 1992 and a master degree in Corporate Governance by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in December 2007. Mr. Tsui has nearly 30 years of experience in accounting and finance. He held a senior position in an international accounting firm in Hong Kong from 1994 to 2003 and was the Chief Financial Officer of Qin Jia Yuan Media Services Company Limited (Hong Kong stock code: 02366), the shares of which are listed on the Stock Exchange, from 2003 to 2004. Mr. Tsui has been the Chief Financial Officer of Ju Teng International Holdings Limited (Hong Kong stock code: 03336), the shares of which are listed on the Stock Exchange, since 2004. Mr. Tsui became an executive director of Ju Teng International Holdings Limited in June 2005 and was the company secretary from 2004 to 1 March 2017. Mr. Tsui has also served as an independent non-executive director of Cabbeen Fashion Limited (Hong Kong stock code: 02030) and Intron Technology Holdings Limited (Hong Kong stock code: 01760) since February 2013 and June 2018, respectively, the shares of which are all listed on the Stock Exchange. Mr. Tsui was an independent non-executive director of 361 Degrees International Limited (Hong Kong stock code: 01361) from September 2012 to 20 May 2019 and was an independent non-executive director of SITC International Holdings Limited (Hong Kong stock code: 01308) from September 2010 to 18 December 2020. Mr. Tsui is a member of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, CPA Australia, the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries. He was appointed as a Director on 19 September 2009.

Mr. Meng Qinguo

Aged 66, Mr. Meng was awarded a master degree and a doctorate degree in Law by Wuhan University (武漢大學) in July 1985 and July 2001, respectively. He had been a Senior Visiting Scholar at the University of California, Berkeley, member of the Supervisory Division of Higher Education Institutions Legal Education of Ministry of Education of China (教育部高等學校法學學科教學指導委員會委員), director of China Law Society (中國法學會), standing director of China Civil Law Society (中國法學會民法學會), and the Vice-Chairperson of Guangxi Law Society (廣西法學會). Mr. Meng is currently a tutor to Ph.D students in civil and commercial law at Wuhan University (武漢大學), the Vice-Chairperson of the Consumer Protection Law Research Centre of China Law Society (中國法學會消費者權益保護法研究會), and the Vice- Chairperson of China Civil Law Society (中國法學會民法學會) and has received government special allowances granted by the State Council.

Mr. Meng was an independent director of Sealand Securities Co., Ltd. (國海證券股份有限公司), the shares of which are listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, until December 2014, and he had been appointed as special legal consultant from January 2015 to January 2018. Mr. Meng has also served as an independent director of Vanho Securities Co., Ltd. (萬和証券股份有限公司) since 14 April 2022. Mr. Meng was appointed as a Director on 19 September 2009.

Mr. Zhou Xiaoxiong

Aged 62, Mr. Zhou has more than 40 years of experience in the sectors such as financial services and investment banking. Mr. Zhou obtained a bachelor’s degree in Economic Information Management (經濟信息管理系) and completed his postgraduate study in World Economics (世界經濟) from Renmin University of China in 1983 and 1998 respectively. He obtained a master degree in Master of Business Administration from Tsinghua University in 2008. Mr. Zhou has worked as senior management in a number of financial institutions in the PRC including the president of Zhongshan Securities Co., Ltd. (中山證券有限責任公司) from 2002 to 2006 and the chairman of J.P. Morgan Futures Company Limited (摩根大通期貨有限公司) from 2006 to 2021.

Mr. Zhou has been serving as an independent non-executive director of China Boton Group Company Limited (a company listed on the main board of the Stock Exchange, stock code: 3318) since November 2005, concurrently as an external director of Sunwoda Electronic Co., Ltd. in Shenzhen (a company listed on the ChiNext Market of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, stock code: 300207) since September 2008, an independent director of Shenzhen Ellassay Fashion Co., Ltd. (a company listed on the main board of Shanghai Stock Exchange, stock code: 603808) from January 2018 to January 2024 and an independent director of Shenzhen Laibao High-tech Co., Ltd. (a company listed on the main board of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, stock code: 2106) since April 2022. He was appointed as a Director on 31 May 2023.

Senior Management

  • Mr. Wen Jinpei Vice President
  • Mr. Ng Yuk Yeung Vice President
Mr. Wen Jinpei Vice President

Aged 62, Mr. Wen is primarily responsible for the Group’s human resources, procurement of raw materials and supplies, investment and development planning. Mr. Wen graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Engineering from Guangdong Ocean University in July 1982 and was named Senior Engineer in technological engineering in 1996. He was responsible for plan control, economy management, state-owned and collective assets management as well as technology management. Mr. Wen was the Deputy Officer of Wuzhou Planning Committee (梧州市計劃委員會), Deputy Officer of Wuzhou City Collective Industry Association (梧州市城鎮集體工業聯社), Deputy Chief of Wuzhou Medicinal Chemistry Bureau (梧州市醫藥化學工業局), Deputy Officer of Wuzhou Economic and Commerce Committee (梧州市經濟貿易委員會), Deputy Officer of Wuzhou People’s Government Asset Management Committee (梧州市人民政府國有資產監督管理委員會) and Deputy Chief of Wuzhou Technology Bureau (梧州市科學技術局) from 1995 to 2010. He has been the Vice President of Shenguan Collagen and the Company since October 2010.

Mr. Ng Yuk Yeung Vice President

Aged 50, Mr. Ng attained his bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from the University of Hong Kong in November 1995 and is a fellow member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, a member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants and a CFA Charter holder. Mr. Ng has nearly 28 years of experience in auditing and financial management, which was mostly gained from positions in one of the international firms of certified public accountants from 1996 to 1999 and from 2001 to 2002, and in China Resources Beer (Holdings) Company Limited (formerly known as China Resources Enterprise Limited, Hong Kong stock code: 00291), the shares of which are listed on the Stock Exchange, from 2002 to 2007. Mr. Ng served as an independent non-executive director of BGMC International Limited (Hong Kong stock code: 01693) and Dowway Holdings Limited (Hong Kong stock code: 8403) since July 2017 and May 2018, respectively. Mr. Ng has resigned as an independent non-executive director of Dowway Holdings Limited and BGMC International Limited on 11 October 2019 and 3 July 2020, respectively. Mr. Ng joined the Company in February 2009 as financial controller and has been promoted as the vice president of the Company with effect from 24 March 2023, and is responsible for supervising the financial reporting, corporate finance and investors relationship. Mr. Ng is also the Company Secretary of the Company.

  • Mr. Chen Yong Vice President
  • Mr. Zhou Yuanzhong Vice President
Mr. Chen Yong Vice President

Aged 56, obtained a bachelor’s degree of science in traditional Chinese medicine from the Department of Pharmacy of Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine in July 1990. Mr. Chen obtained the qualification of senior engineer in pharmaceutical engineering in the PRC in December 2012. Mr. Chen has extensive experience in pharmaceutical management and sales. Mr. Chen joined Guangxi Wuzhou Zhongheng Group Co., Ltd. (“Wuzhou Zhongheng”) (a company listed on the main board of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, stock code: 600252) in 1990, and held key positions in various departments or subsidiaries of Wuzhou Zhongheng, including served as a supervisor in Guangxi Wuzhou Shuangqian Industrial Co., Ltd. (廣西梧州雙錢 實業股份有限公司) from October 2021 to May 2022 and served as the chief brand officer in Guangxi Tianqijiahua Industrial Co., Ltd. (廣西田七家化實業股份有限公司) from June 2022 to April 2023. Mr. Chen was appointed as the vice president of the Company on 1 June 2023, mainly responsible for the production and quality management, planning and marketing of new products in the medical collagen and medical device categories.

Mr. Zhou Yuanzhong Vice President

Aged 55, graduated from the College of Civil Engineering of Hunan University with a bachelor’s degree in highways and urban arterials in July 1990. Mr. Zhou obtained the qualification of senior engineer in road and bridge engineering in the PRC in December 2002. Mr. Zhou has extensive experience in infrastructure construction and maintenance management. Mr. Zhou worked in Wuzhou Highway Management Bureau (梧州公路管理局) as the director of the design department, the head and deputy director of the maintenance section from August 1990 to November 2011, the deputy director of the Coastal Highway Management Bureau (沿海公路管理局) from December 2011 to April 2013, and the director of Baise Highway Management Bureau (百色公路管理局) from May 2013 to March 2014. Mr. Zhou was the deputy general manager of Wuzhou Shenguan Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. (梧州市神冠房地產開發有限公司) and the general manager of Wuzhou Huaguan Investment Development Co., Ltd. (梧州市華冠投資開發有限公司) from April 2014 to December 2023. Mr. Zhou was appointed as the vice president of the Company on 1 January 2024, mainly responsible for the Group’s administrative logistics, traffic and transportation, the construction and maintenance management of plants and infrastructures. Mr. Zhou is a cousin of Zhou Yaxian, the Chairman and Director, and an uncle of Sha Junqi, the Director.